The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE) publishes high-quality articles about the science, theory, and industrial practices of chemical and biochemical processes.

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE) publishes twelve issues of cutting-edge chemical engineering research per year. The journal publishes original research articles, new theoretical interpretations or experimental findings, and critical reviews in the science or industrial practice of chemical and biochemical processes, covering nine subject areas.

CSChE members receive a significant discount on subscriptions to CJCE. To subscribe as a member, contact us. Institutions and non-members can subscribe through Wiley.

Benefits of Publishing in CJCE



  • In partnership with global publisher Wiley
  • Impact factor: 1.6
  • Indexed in Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and more
  • Access CJCE content via the free Wiley Online Library App for Android and iOS
  • Global readership
  • Open Access options through Wiley OnlineOpen, with a 25% discount for CIC members. Contact us for the code.
  • Increased visibility through Wiley Online Library platform, automatically tracking citations and Altmetrics

Accelerated Publication


  • Connect with over 6,500 CIC members through the CIC NEWS
  • Our LinkedIn page actively promotes articles and issues
  • Annual special issue/section featuring content from the CSChE Conference
  • Contribute to Canadian chemical sciences
  • Publishes special issues and special series
  • Established journal, publishing excellence since 1957

CJCE: A Hybrid Open Access Journal Hybrid Open Access CJCE

All authors who publish with CJCE have the option of publishing an open access article, which is immediately free to read, download, and share for everyone, including those who do not subscribe, making CJCE a hybrid open access journal.

How? By paying an Article Publication Charge (APC), or a discounted APC if your institution has a Wiley Open Access Account, or at no cost if Wiley has signed a Transformational Agreement with your funder or institution

Also, members of the CIC (CSChE and CSC) receive a 25% discount on APCs. Contact us to confirm your membership and receive your discount code.

Why Publish Open Access?

Research from our partners at Wiley has shown that:

Learn more here.

Journal Awards 

Lectureship Award

This award is presented to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has made an outstanding contribution to chemical engineering, demonstrating exceptional promise, while working in Canada.

Eligible candidates must have held their first professional appointment as an independent researcher in academia, government, or industry for seven years or less at the time of nomination submission.

Meet Our Winners 

Best Graduate Student Paper Award

Sponsored by the Journal, this award is presented for outstanding published work by a graduate student.

Meet Our Winners

CSChE Members can subscribe to CJCE at these reduced rates:

  • Online $140.00
  • Print $195.00
  • Print & Online $240.00