Creating real connections, virtually
CIC ViRTUAL is a series of events and webinars that you can participate in from the comfort of your home.
Events & Webinars
If you have an idea for a virtual event or webinar, please contact us at CIC ViRTUAL.

CIC Talks
Learn how our Canadian chemical sciences community is meeting today’s biggest challenges! With this new series of virtual discussions, the CIC is connecting the Canadian chemistry and chemical engineering community and amplifying the fantastic work that they do to tackle issues, from teaching online in the age of COVID-19 to reflecting a more inclusive society.

Seminar Series
Presented by the members of our Subject Divisions, these free seminar series unite people in the same specialty no matter where they are in Canada. Learn and grow with these series highlighting leaders in the field from across Canada and the world.
Take your place in Canada’s thriving chemical science, engineering, and technology community.