
Take the lead in Canada’s thriving chemical science,
and engineering community. Come Together at the CIC.

Membership options and benefits


Not yet a member of the CIC community? It’s time to discover where you belong. Join our network of over 3,000 passionate professionals in the chemical sciences community in Canada, and forge local connections that will last a lifetime.

Member benefits

Unlock a world of benefits as a CIC member. Enjoy discounted rates for our first-class conferences while gaining access to exclusive networking and career development opportunities and events.

Student membership

Are you a full-time undergraduate or graduate student pursuing chemistry at a Canadian institution? Good news! Membership is complimentary. Join one of the 35+ student chapters across the country.

Student member benefits

Discover the wealth of value waiting for you as a student member of the CIC. Learn how CIC can help you shape your future in the chemical sciences.

Additional membership resources


Manage your membership

Already a member. Login now. 


Membership designations

Use the following designations with pride to identify yourself as a member of Canada’s thriving chemical science professional community.

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Training courses

CIC is partnering with leading organizations to bring valuable training and courses to CIC members at preferential rates.


Insurance discounts

Being a CIC member comes with perks. You gain privileged access to insurance programs with TD Insurance and Manulife. Explore how much you could save.

Job board

Launch your career:
Apply for a job in chemistry, chemical engineering, or chemical technology today.


Hear from our members

See what CIC members have to say about the impact of our work and how CIC’s community has propelled their careers in the chemical sciences.


Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to commonly asked questions regarding CIC membership.

Take the lead in Canada’s thriving chemical science, and engineering community.